AWS Services

AWS Services


2 min read

AWS services that can enhance your DevOps workflows:

  1. VPC: Virtual Private Cloud to launch AWS resources in a defined virtual network.

  2. AMI (template in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that contains the information needed to launch a virtual server, EC2)

  3. EBS (Volume): Elastic Block Store for persistent block storage.

  4. S3 (Storage): Simple Storage Service for scalable object storage. Can be used for hosting static website.

  5. EC2: Virtual servers in the cloud.

  6. Lambda Function: Serverless computing service to run code. It’s a event-driven architecture used in cost optimization, security

  7. IAM: Identity and Access Management for secure access control.

  8. Service Accounts: K8s pods to access

    • AWS Services (using IRSA - IAM Roles for Service Accounts)

    • K8s API itself

  9. AWS Cloud CI/CD Services:

    • AWS CodeCommit: Code Host and versioning, like github.

    • AWS CodeBuild: Fully managed build service for continuous integration, like mvn. buildspec.yml is use to define the build process.

    • AWS CodeDeploy: Automates code deployments to any instance, like Argo CD. appspec.yml is use to configure the deployment process.

    • AWS CodePipeline: CI/CD service for fast and reliable application updates, like Jenkins.

  10. CloudWatch: Monitoring, alerting, reporting, logging and observability service.

  11. Billing & Cost Management: Tools to track and manage AWS costs and usage.

  12. CloudFront (CDN):

    • It is CDN (content delivery network) service, with a vast network of edge location (servers).

    • It offers caching which deliver web content to users with high performance & low latency.

  13. ECR (Elastic Container Registry): Use to store container image like Docker Hub.

  14. Fargate: Serverless compute engine for containers.

  15. ECS (Elastic Container Service): AWS's own container orchestration service. Do not support CRD like K8s.

  16. AWS EKS: Managed Kubernetes service.

  17. AWS KMS (Key Management Service): Encryption and management of cryptographic keys Securely.

  18. CloudTrail: Service that enables governance, compliance, and operational and risk auditing of your AWS account.

  19. AWS Config: Service to assess, audit, and evaluate configurations of AWS resources.

  20. ELK (ElasticSearch): Service for real-time log analysis and visualization.

  21. Route 53:

    • Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service.

    • Route 53 to perform 3 main functions in any combination:

      domain registration, DNS routing, and health checking.

  22. AWS CFT (Cloud Formation Template):

    • It is a Infra as a code tool for AWS like Terraform.

    • It offers Drift detection